When is the Best Time to Sell Your Property? Is Summer a Good Time?

There is a myth that the summer holidays are a bad time to put your house on the market. It’s widely acknowledged that the best time to sell your property is in the spring or the autumn.  Historically, these are known as the best seasons in which to successfully market and sell your property, however, right now is a perfect time to sell your house: the sun is shining, the skies are blue and people seem to be in a generally ‘happier’ frame of mind…

So, here’s some benefits to selling in the summer…

  1. The weather is on your side making your property look its best.  Sunny photographs sell houses.  Anyone who knows the slightest thing about photography will tell you that when it comes to lighting, you can’t beat the summer sun. Everything looks better in natural light – it makes rooms look brighter and bigger and shows off gardens and views to their best advantage.  Most buyers look online first so enticing photographs taken in the summer will make your home stand out.
  2. It is true that the six weeks of school summer holidays can be quieter as families jet off on holiday and take ‘downtime’. However, extra time off can give people space to think about their home and any possible shortcomings. It’s the perfect time for a homeowner to start browsing properties online, on a tablet whilst enjoying an afternoon in the sun.
  3. Curb appeal…first impressions count. Whether it’s your online listing or a personal viewing, the first thing someone will see of your property is the exterior. A home with  flowers in bloom and green foliage will always look more impressive than bare branches and a muddy lawn.
  4. More viewings! It’s simple – the more daylight hours, the more time you have for viewings. Nobody wants to view a property in the dark, so the lighter nights are perfect to show off your home to more people.
  5. Families move to a new house in the summer.  Are you selling a home that’s perfect for a family?  Families tend to prefer moving during the school holidays as there’s less impact on the children and more time for them to settle in before the new term. At the very least, it will give the children something to write about in the annual ‘what I did during my summer holidays’ essay!
  6. It’s an easier moving day.  Would you rather move early on a warm summer’s morning, with lots of time to spare? Or try and get it all finished in the freezing, driving rain during the few daylight hours of a wet January weekend?
  7. It’s the best time for DIY.  You have better weather and daylight to do minor fixes inside and outside the property to get it ready for viewings.  It could also help sway your buyer into making an offer. They’ll be able to start renovations or even building work as soon as they move while the weather’s warm and the ground is firm.
  8. The simplest way to take advantage of the fine weather during viewings is to open your home to the summer. Open your curtains, blinds, and the windows, too. The light will brighten up your home and make it more inviting. And the fresh air will help give a feeling of space and cleanliness.

If you are looking to move we wouldn’t advise that you hold off on a summer sale, as you never know when the perfect buyer might come across your property listing. If you are coming to the market, the key is to price your property sensibly and realistically, seeking the voice of experience – not simply being swayed by the most flattering valuation you receive from an agent –  and, as ever, it’s all about that first impression. Put the longer evenings to good use and spend time getting your garden and property shipshape and remember that neutral decor is always preferable to widen your appeal.

Picture of Polly Greenway

Polly Greenway