Twilight Photography

Twilight Photography

There’s no doubt about it; twilight photography works!

So why is it so effective?

At DOMVS our mantra is that we do not sell property, we sell a lifestyle – and twilight photography is such a captivating way of selling that lifestyle. It creates an atmosphere that daylight photography struggles to convey. It’s that feeling when you’ve arrived home from a long day at the office, and somebody has lit the fire, has supper in the Aga and a warming glass of red:  a welcoming, familiar, comforting feeling that is perfectly captured by the twinkling lights at twilight!

Hence the image becomes incredibly evocative, making you feel as though you’ve already moved in.

Some seem to forget that moving house can be an incredibly emotional experience, even for the most stoic amongst us.  It is therefore key for buyers to emotionally engage with your home.

The vibrant colours also create a contrast with the predominantly daylight images of other properties, both online and in print media.  But!  It does require skill in order to catch the light at exactly the right moment and balance the colours to show off your home in the best light – excuse the pun!

When is Twilight Photography particularly effective?

Asde from creating atmosphere, twilight photography, can be particularly effective in creating curb appeal. The lack of shadows, the glow created by the interior lighting, combine with the natural ethereal light to really enhance particular features of a property. This can unexpectedly have the effect of making a property feel more spacious and draw attention to features otherwise missed – a perfect way to catch a viewer’s eye.

It can also be very effective if your property has been on the market a while.  It changes the ‘personality’ and makes the property appear new and fresh.

When doesn’t it work?

To be honest, we can’t think of an answer to this one!  We have never had a bad response from using twilight photography. In fact, quite the reverse:  we normally see a significant rise in the interest we receive whenever we include it.

Picture of Trisha Ashby-Rudd

Trisha Ashby-Rudd