Rest Assured | Sammie McFarland explains the importance of a little regular R&R

Rest Assured

Sammie McFarland explains the importance of a little regular R&R

Over the last 12 months and more, we have all been on a roller coaster of change and adaptation. ‘Familiar’ and ‘routine’ may have been harder to achieve. For those of us who are creatures of habit, it has been a steep learning curve. A common trend of discussion has been lack of energy. It is natural to think about increasing sleep to combat low energy, but have you considered the power of rest, and did you know there are different types? Think of rest as a battery recharge.

We have all been powering through the weekly pandemic challenges with our brains continually ticking, busy considering how we can overcome the next hurdle. We have asked our bodies – and our minds – to continually adapt, morph and pivot. It is a lot. How often do you pop your mobile phone on charge throughout the day? Have you considered your body might benefit from the same? Restorative activities and rest contribute to balanced wellbeing. Prioritising a recharge can improve energy levels and quality of sleep. Rest can be passive or active. By practising both, we can work towards a truly rested state.

Press ‘pause’ – plan short rest breaks in the day, stroll around the garden while the kettle boils, listen to bird song or music that you find relaxing.

Brain dump – take those thoughts out of your head and pop them in a notebook where you can revisit them if needed.

Tune out – it is okay to retract into your shell now and again, close your eyes, switch screens off, hit the mute button, or use noise-cancelling headphones in busy environments.

Get creative – the process of creativity can be energising, get back to basics and make a mood board from scraps of pretty things that inspire you.

Restorative movement – change the focus to wellbeing rather than fitness and enjoy movement that nourishes both body and mind.

Be authentic – stop people-pleasing and start expressing yourself authentically. Answer honestly when asked how you are.

Reconnect – with nature, community, spirituality. Feel the dewy grass beneath your toes, walk barefoot in the sand, laugh with friends (even if it must be on Zoom) and allow time for self-reflection.

Let’s look to shift our focus and achieve a balanced wellbeing that extends beyond shape and size.

*Please discuss ongoing concerns with your doctor.

Sammie Mcfarland is a Pilates & Wellbeing Coach; Holistic Core Restore® Coach; Sports, Scar & Pregnancy Massage Therapist; and a Core Fascial Release Therapist. To find out more, please visit or find her on Instagram at @sammiepilatesandcore and on Facebook at

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